You Are Meant To Do Something Great (A Note to Traders)

BellaBella Daily Update

Dear Traders,

You are meant to do something great.

At SMB Capital, a proprietary trading desk in NYC/Miami, we are proud to have developed numerous 7-figure-a-year and even 8-figure-a-year traders. Yes! Become your best trader with impressive PnL.  But there are many other ways to be great as a trader at a proprietary trading firm or elsewhere.  Being great at any of these can produce a sustainable, rewarding, profitable career as a trader.

What can you be great at as a trader?


Each week we'll send you 2 to 4 videos filled with prop trading secrets you can't find elsewhere.

Be the best coder.

Be the best at callouts.

Be the best at idea generation.

Be the best game planner.

Be the best leader.

Be the best scalper.

Be the best joint account contributor.

Be the best short trader.

Be the best teacher.

Be the best large cap trader.

Be the best options trader.

Be the best collaborator.

Be the best backtester.

Be the best researcher.

Be the developing trader with the best attitude.

Be the best crypto trader.

And on and on…

Let’s say you are not a consistently profitable active trader in your personal account, but you are the best at idea generation.  This gives you the opportunity to team with a Senior Trader, feed him your ideas, trade them together in a joint account, split the profits, and produce consistent income for you.

(5 Steps to Become a Super Consistent Trader)

Let’s say you are great at being a consistent scalper but not making seven figures a year. You might share this strategy with a Senior Trader, who will teach you how to supercharge these results and also share one of their strategies in return.  Now, you are making much more and have more strategies to deploy.

(Scalping Is Hard (Until You See This))

Let’s say you can’t trade a lick, but you are a great coder.  This gives you the opportunity to team with another trader, build technology for them, and share in the profits.  For example, perhaps you can build a model together from the edge of the other trader.

Let’s say you are a mediocre trader but a great backtester.  This gives you the opportunity to team with other traders, share potential trading edges, and build a winning model together.

Let’s say you couldn’t push the buttons for a profit to save your life, but you are a great researcher. You can find the next great trading opportunity. Again, this gives you the opportunity to team up with a better trader who can take your ideas, print money, and share in these profits.

Let’s say you are a great leader.  You notice talented traders need better organization and processes to make even more.  This gives you the opportunity to step in and show them how they can improve their results.  They will open up joint accounts with you on strategies that you are organizing the team to trade better.

We ALL bring something special to our trading.  Tap into what makes you special.

“You are meant to do something great,” @Steenbab.

Important disclosures

Mike Bellafiore is the Co-Founder of SMB Capital, a proprietary trading desk, and SMB Training, which provides trading education in stocks, options, and futures. Bella, @MikeBellafiore, is the author of One Good Trade and The PlayBook. He welcomes your trading questions at [email protected].