Weekend learning lessons for traders to improve your trading

BellaBella Daily Update

You want to start improving as a trader, but you are not sure how to.  And the weekend is a perfect opportunity for you to work on improving your trading, but you are not sure where to start.

Moreover, the market has been extra volatile this past week and you are not sure how to attack it responsibly.  You know there is more opportunity, but do not have the trading setups yet to trade in this environment.

Position sizing, has always given you trouble, but you lack a proven system.

You take large losses at times and have trouble shrugging them off, which leads to more bad trading.


Each week we'll send you 2 to 4 videos filled with prop trading secrets you can't find elsewhere.

Okay let’s offer some guidance on all of this with some weekend learning for you and the trading community.

How to Size Your Positions Like a Top Prop Trader for Maximum Account Growth

How to Trade when Volatility Explodes 

14 Keys to Proper Position Sizing to Grow your Trading Account

8 ideas after you take a large loss as a trader to propel improved trading results

This trader wants it all and wants it now- Should he?

*no relevant positions