Weekend learning lessons for traders from SMB – September 8, 2018

BellaBella Daily Update

I am in York, ME for a wedding with my wife, but thought I would drop our weekend learning series for you.  It’s 5AM and the early staff is a bit confused WTH I am doing in the seating area.  Not drinking their coffee.  Typing away.  Wearing a Yankees hat.

I am doing my best to sample as much blueberry pie as is offered.

The pot stocks were hugely In Play again this week.  We saw some of our traders experience swings that will make them better and trade bigger.  And they came out on the right side after a roller coaster week of PnL.  But what was most important was the trading experience and the learning that will make them better.

Pot stocks are not going away.  Spready volatile stocks are not going away.  Swings in PnL is not going away.  Feeling all of this is a step forward, even absent the PnL wins.


Each week we'll send you 2 to 4 videos filled with prop trading secrets you can't find elsewhere.

So from a quiet, beautiful, coastal town in New England, I offer some ideas for you to improve this weekend.

How to turn a trade idea into One Good Trade

Bounce Day

How to buy a stock you think will trade higher

Five trading lessons coaching seven-figure traders

Don’t break the chain

*no relevant positions