Traders Ask: The Benefit of Being an Idiot

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) BlogsLeave a Comment

I received this email from Reader Bob titled “Someone has to tell me to stop being an idiot like I was today”:

Might as well be you :-).

So overtraded, didn’t focus on my edges, missed my #1 set-up on LEN (top of my trade plan). The easiest $1 anyone will see when it walked through the top of the 15 minute opening range on a pullback and just climbed all day.

I feel so foolish, but better now that I told someone. I trade alone at home all day, very, very difficult.

Thanks (I can’t even speak the words I put in my journal)….


Bella comments:


Every day the market gives us an opportunity to learn.
Having an experience that made you sick is a positive if you journal this experience in detail.
When you make an emotional connection with your journal you are less likely to repeat the mistake.
So a lot of good came from yesterday.

Keep working hard on finding the patterns that work best for you. Great job of journaling!

Oh and I have the same stuff in my journal. It should never be read or seen
by anyone other than me :).


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