Trading Gap Downs on Earnings Day

DovDov Quint (Dov's) Blogs, General CommentsLeave a Comment

Every morning I scan through several news sources and rip through charts and screeners to find the best intra-day trading opportunities. The best setups are usually in stocks that have decent sized gaps (anything more than 5%), and have some fresh news (earnings/guidance, upgrade/downgrade, etc.) Today, although I had a few stocks on my watch-list, I decided to focus on … Read More

Don’t Start Your Vacation Before Your Vacation

BellaGeneral Comments, Mike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs5 Comments

It is the summer.  It is finally hot in NYC.  It is so hot that when you just miss your subway it gets really uncomfortable waiting for that next one.  Ripper.  And most market commentators keep talking about slow summer trading.  Chirp.  Chirp Chirp.  And most market players were predicting a correction a few days ago.  Chirp.  Chirp.  Chirp.  And … Read More