Are You Flexible?

mprincipatoMarc Principato, SMB Forex2 Comments

Flexibility in trading has to be one of the most difficult concepts to master when going through the learning curve.  I remember much earlier in my learning process when I was stubbornly committed to a particular trading style that I was learning from a chatroom that shall remain nameless.  Looking back, the style was complete nonsense but at the time … Read More

Getting Into Trading Shape: A Trader’s Story

BellaGeneral Comments4 Comments

Hi Mike, September 1st 2013 makes it three years that I have been trading full time. I’m writing this email to seek your experienced trader’s counsel. I don’t have any job and I’ve been thinking about my experiences trading, which for the most part have left me bitter. You must be wondering how I’m still continuing to trade after three … Read More

Anyone Make Money In Slow Markets?

mprincipatoMarc Principato, SMB ForexLeave a Comment

Recently one of the trainees in the chatroom asked me if the slow currency markets are normal as we conclude the summer months of this year.  My answer? Yes, we are still in holiday mode. I then explained my theory as to why we experience slow markets in general which is what I am going to explain to you in … Read More

An Aspiring Trader’s Email

mprincipatoMarc Principato, SMB ForexLeave a Comment

At SMB we get a lot of emails from traders of all levels.  Much of the time they are from aspiring traders who are very passionate about the markets and their work.  And all of us here make every effort to respond and provide some insight into the world of professional trading.  So in this article, I am going to … Read More

Why is Order Flow Important?

mprincipatoMarc Principato, SMB Forex5 Comments

When it comes to order flow, many newer traders tend to think of volume bars or time and sales information.  It is much more than that, and it really helps to understand the premise behind how markets facilitate order flow.  It may not give you an immediate strategy to make money with, but what it does is provides an added … Read More

Another Great Look at an “Income” Trade

Greg LoehrGeneral CommentsLeave a Comment

After holding a couple of free live webcasts over the past month discussing earnings trades and adjustments, here’s yet another look at an “income” type of trade.  This one popped up as a trade yesterday as the VIX starting pushing 15.  But the reason for the move up in volatility becomes a two-edged sword.