Trading Lesson: 2nd Day Trade—$ADBE

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Technical Plays, Trading LessonLeave a Comment

Adobe (ADBE) announced their earnings recently and the stock had a big change in price the following day. The stock had heavy volume, which is something I look for to setup a trade for the next trading session. This is one of the easier trades we teach in our training program and it’s called “2nd Day Plays”. After a stock has some type … Read More

What is Your Idea of Back Testing? Part II

Andrew FaldeSystems TradingLeave a Comment

Yesterday we looked at some examples of how a trader could use a handful of recent examples to make trading decisions. The hypothetical scenario played out quite terribly. Although fictional, it’s a thought process that I see happen each day by traders around the world. Here is an alternative way to consider strategy and statistical trading when trading something like … Read More

What is Your Idea of Back Testing?

Andrew FaldeSystems Trading4 Comments

Trade decisions are often based on what a trader observes on the chart. The thought process often starts with something like this: “The last time this happened ABC moved 5%” “Last year at this time the market stayed in a 2% range” “If I had bought the last three breakouts, then I would be up $5k right now!” “The MACD … Read More