How Long Does a Trading Slump Last?

BellaGeneral Comments6 Comments

Hi Mike, Would like to know how long does a trading slump normally last? And how does one know trading is not their cup of tea or doesn’t suit one person? Thanks in advance. @mikebellafiore Trading slumps depend on your trading style and skill level. Scalpers, a trader who trades off of order flow or Reading the Tape, like Pippen … Read More

Slow Down! The Challenge of Newness to Trading

BellaGeneral Comments3 Comments

Traders want to become Steve Cohen TODAY! This can lead to starting too fast for all levels of traders at all different stages of their careers. My advise based on experience working with pro traders in NYC?  Slow down! At our firm we hire experienced discretionary and quant traders with a track record.  We fully back the traders taking all … Read More

A Visit to the Prop Desk- @allstarcharts (Video)

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JC Parets, @allstarcharts, is a market technician and stopped by SMB Capital to chat with our College Training Program students and newest traders about the benefits of technical analysis. He is a regular guest on CNBC, Bloomberg, Business News Network, Wall Street Journal and Yahoo Finance among other financial media outlets. One of our traders summarized the key concepts that … Read More

How Memory Affects Your Trading

John LockeGeneral Comments, John Locke, Trading Lesson, Trading Psychology, Trading Theory1 Comment

The emotions we feel and the actions we take are largely dependent on how we remember things.  This is because we use our memories to learn.  We might think something like “I remember the last time this happened. I did that and got a favorable result, therefore I will do that again.” The challenge however, is that our memories aren’t … Read More

The Rule When Trading on Tilt

BellaGeneral CommentsLeave a Comment

A peak into our trading desk in NYC… There are three guys I really like on our desk that have a chance. They work. They care. One has surpassed the monthly PnL number that signifies a real chance to make it by 4x.  Another was first in his class to hit that number (can’t share number….compliance).  The last has hit … Read More

Stock Selection (Video)

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Have you ever felt you were a better trader than you were showing? In One Good Trade, Bella wrote, “You are only as good as the stocks you trade.” If you are in the wrong stocks, your trading data does not reflect your trading potential. Finding the best stocks is a skill.You can improve your stock selection, which may then … Read More