Did You Trade Well? (Part I)

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On Twitter I received this question: Does the success of ur day hinge on ur PnL, or proper execution? By 1 std I failed 2day, the other = success cc @MikeBellafiore @MikeBellafiore At SMB we do not define success or failure by our P&L but whether we traded well. At the close we do a detailed trading review of how well … Read More

Super Stocks In Play

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Hi Mike, Nicely done tonight… You spoke about stocks in play briefly. I am not sure I heard the definition properly for a stock in play. Is the selection a function of Volume only which is +/-3% of overnight volume? Could you briefly define a stock in play? Thanks, Jim @mikebellafiore Thxs for attending our Webinar last night. In The … Read More

Get a Trading Coach Already

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There is little evidence of anyone competing at the highest levels without critical feedback, coaching, and mentoring (coaching is what happens in real-time and mentoring after the close). I received this e-mail yesterday that can teach us about the power of trader coaching and education. Dear Mr. Bellafiore,      I wanted to send you a quick email to thank you … Read More

Study Trading Not Markets ($TSLA)

BellaGeneral Comments5 Comments

Some traders/investors make the mistake of studying markets instead of trading. This can negatively affect your trading performance. More specifically, this certainly was the case with the recent down move in battleground stock TSLA, the growth stock. For those of us who have traded professionally for 15plus years it is hard to watch and read the nonsense about TSLA’s valuation. … Read More

Do Not Fear the Bots

BellaGeneral Comments2 Comments

Computer trading has become the largest part of our market’s volume threatening the profitability of many discretionary traders. Many traders/investors fear the bots. We shouldn’t. We should embrace their underlying technology and use it to help us find more of our favorite trading patterns. And even turn quant. Adding support to my thesis above was a recent blog post at … Read More

Bad Luck Boeing?

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On Friday the news hit of a fire on a Boeing 787. Yes, that same plane that BA was forced to take out of service because of lithium battery fires during flight. I don’t know about you but I prefer my flights without fires on board. BA tweaked and fixed the battery issue and the 787s were back in flight. … Read More

The 3PM Bull Basket

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I was sitting on our trading desk looking at SPY this Friday. I felt a very strange sense of déjà vu that it was 1998, the year I was relative strength trading semi-conductor stocks, and MSFT, INTL, DELL. This was before the Internet Boom but when these sectors were red hot. At 3PM we would add to our strongest-acting stocks … Read More