Sleeping In Shanghai
I returned from traveling in China a few days ago. My body hasn’t made the time adjustment yet. There is a 13 hour difference between NYC time and Shanghai time. Night is day and day is night. Yesterday I was reviewing the SMB Scans which are compiled after the close each day. They consist of stocks in our tradeable universe … Read More
Evaluating your trading results (part 2/3)
Warning: very detailed and technical blog ahead, but if you are an active trader and not keeping really good records, maybe this post will help you.
SMB Webinar: From Good to Great with Steven Spencer
SMB From Good to Great webinar with Steven Spencer.
How We Found an Important Level (LVS)
We have identified 47.50 as an important level in LVS. Yesterday it leaked below this level and had a serious intraday downmove. Chop! SuperChop? Today 47.50 was again an important level. How did we find this level? On December 2 there was this news from Las Vegas Sands in 8-K filing discloses that Sands China’s application for a land … Read More
Reminder of the Scottsdale Trader Meetup
Join Mike Bellafiore and the Scottsdale Traders and Investors Meetup Group, the largest and longest surviving active traders group in the Phoenix area on December 14th. Mike will be speaking with the Traders on the following: The trading fundamentals of One Good Trade from inside One Good Trade. How our prop firm makes trading decisions based on Intraday Fundamentals, Technical … Read More
Can a Smaller Stop Carry More Risk Than a Large Stop?
Thinking about stops in terms of probability and expected values.
Scottsdale Trader Meetup
Join Mike Bellafiore and the Scottsdale Traders and Investors Meetup Group, the largest and longest surviving active traders group in the Phoenix area on December 14th. Mike will be speaking with the Traders on the following: The trading fundamentals of One Good Trade from inside One Good Trade. How our prop firm makes trading decisions based on Intraday Fundamentals, Technical … Read More