I see too many people beating themselves up for not being perfect traders. That’s really sad because being a great trader and achieving the gains you desire isn’t about trading perfectly. In fact, expecting perfection often delays progress for years. When I talk to the most successful traders I know, they call their trading a culmination of errors that usually … Read More
Options Trading for Income with John Locke for May 5, 2014
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If Trading Stresses You Out, Change Your Perception
I see it all the time, income traders battling a trade at any cost. Sitting there hour after hour, day after day completely stressed out; using too many resources and taking on way too much risk just so they can win. It’s as if their life depends on winning the trade. This usually happens because the trader is attaching some … Read More
Options Trading for Income with John Locke for April 28, 2014
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Your Beliefs Are Your Reality, Choose Them Wisely
I was answering some questions at a trading seminar a while back and a trader stood up and said, “It’s impossible to average more than 12% per year on a portfolio”. I said “OK” and went on to the next person. After all it wasn’t a question so what else was I to say. Apparently, I missed something because he … Read More
April 21, 2014 Locke In Your Success Weekly Market and Position Update
No relevant positions Risk disclaimer John Locke
What statement are you making with your trading?
I talk to traders all over the world and it surprises me how many “high probability” or “market neutral” traders don’t realize that they are making a statement with their position. By making a statement I mean whenever you enter a position, you are defining the conditions under which you will win and which you will lose. For example, when … Read More
The Capital-Scaling Iron Condor
In this video presentation, Seth Freudberg, SMBU’s Director of Options Training, explains the Capital-Scaling Iron Condor Trade, an out-of-the-box approach to trading iron condors. Seth Freudberg Director, SMB Options Training Program The SMB Options Training Program is a program designed for novice and intermediate level options traders who are seeking an intensive training process to learn how to trade options … Read More