A 2 Day VWAP Trade (CNC)

BellaGeneral Comments1 Comment

During a daily review an SMB Trader wrote this about his trading in CNC: CNC pulled back to 2 day VWAP and break out area from yesterday.  Waited for break in intraday downtrend to get into this stock.  When it began to hold above .70 I was up to 1,200 shares from .72.  Was waiting for the push through .80 … Read More

The myth of the pain threshold

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An SMB Trader during his daily review wrote: Today was definitely a day to really pick your spots for initiating trades. I think for the most part I selected the right stocks today but just had trouble managing some of the trades namely in FB and FAST. Something I thought about today after getting stopped out of a FB short … Read More

Is bad really bad?

BellaGeneral Comments3 Comments

Over the past few years I have noticed some good coming out of what I first thought was all bad.  When I lost my mom there was at first only loss, but then I recognized some good.  When my dad had a stroke it was at first so horrible, but then some good.  When we lost a mess of traders … Read More

What behavior should a prop firm reward?

BellaGeneral Comments7 Comments

After the close one day this week I encouraged our traders to CALL OUT awesome potential trading opportunities.  Shark called out SXCI into one close and the firm and individual traders caught a very profitable trade.  I got our Floor Manager into ILMN for an opening drive play at the start of the week.  He sent me an email of … Read More


BellaGeneral Comments7 Comments

Here are two comments made from two SMB traders in their daily review sent to me after the close.  Both harm their results by trying too hard.  Do you do this? I am slowly becoming less and less content with just making $$$$ (note: SMB cannot talk our PnL because of compliance reasons) and calling it a decent day. I … Read More

Buy, sell, move on

BellaGeneral Comments8 Comments

Below is an argument from a trader on our desk not to hold stocks during this earnings season.  The trader suggests to get in and out and not expect much follow through with stocks to the upside. Kind of a frustrating market day because the market is slowly grinding higher throughout the day but individual stocks don’t really make hods. … Read More