*inspired by 18 years of trading

I lost money because of that damn Jim Cramer!
No you lost money because you followed his advice on a trade not best for you.
I lost money because the damn Fed keeps inflating prices.
No you lost money because you didn’t follow the trend created by the Fed keeping rates low.
I lost money because SMB made a video offering a short idea in that stock.
No you lost money because you made a trade without edge.
I lost money because the risk manager at my firm won’t give me enough room.
No you lost money because your results dictated how much risk the firm would extend and you didn’t trade within those parameters.
I lost money because Citron downgraded my stock.
No you lost money because you did not adequately plan for a downgrade.
I lost money because my significant other keeps giving me a hard time.
No you lost money because you let your relationship affect you or you decided to stay in one not in your self-interest.
I lost money because our head trader called out a buy and the darn stock went down.
No you lost money because you did not make a trade your own.
I lost money because I made a bad trade.
Huh? You must be a professional trader.
Happy Holidays!
*no relevant positions