Fraud Alert: Bixin Investments is a fraud

BellaBella Daily Update

Bixin Investments has no affiliation with SMB Capital.  Simply, they are a fraud.

They have copied many of the pages from our SMB Capital website, attempting to pose as us, on their fraudulent website.

SMB, SMB traders, nor SMB partners do not invest money for others.  Presently, we do not ask for nor accept money from others to invest.

Bixin Investments uses SMB’s address, yet there is no such entity at our location.


Each week we'll send you 2 to 4 videos filled with prop trading secrets you can't find elsewhere.

They fabricate that SMB partners and SMB principals lead Bixin.  They fabricate with a picture that Steve Spencer, an SMB partner, is their regional representative.

I write this post because someone reached out to me claiming they invested with them.  We do not want to see anyone hurt from this scam.

To the people who created this site: you are a disgrace.

*no relevant positions

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