Finding good setups in a quiet tape

Joe PalauJoe P's blog, Reading the Tape, SMB Radar Update, Technical Plays2 Comments

This blog is going to go over one of my recent trades in COG. Yesterday’s morning session was very quiet and I was having difficulty finding stocks that were really moving. I was able to establish during the first 15 minutes or so that I would trade a ‘range strategy” until the market structure changed. (more about this on another blog, stay tuned)  During these types of days I look to fade stocks having extended moves to resistance. I call this my ‘tape fade” trade.

To find my trades I first find a technical pattern I see and edge in and then find an entry using the tape. This setup’s success is pretty much given to the information I get from the tape, this is what makes this setup my highest probability trade in my playbook.

At 9:50 COG popped up on the SMB Radar and I put it on my screen, the stock was at 28.40. I noticed the stock was trading quickly to resistance so was looking for a spot to fade it. I then saw a 28.65 seller drop to 28.60, 28.55 was absorbing a ton on the bid. In this type of play I look to get short (fade the move) as soon as the buyer loses. It’s very likely that this will create a pullback in the stock or in the best case a reversal. I set my stop for this trade at the high of the move. Note that I am not picking tops, I am just following the big players in the stock and mechanically executing my setups. 28.65 ended up being the HOD, not bad for a trade with .10 of risk.

Follow me on twitter @joep_smb


2 Comments on “Finding good setups in a quiet tape”

  1. It closed today at support from a few weeks ago. If it breaks I’d expect a significant drop-out considering the already established down-trend.

  2. Very nice trade. Looking at this post/trade raises a bunch of questions in my mind bec fade trading can be very difficult for a developing trader like myself. It takes a lot practice. It’s more of an art form then scienticfic. I’m still learning how you distinguish between a reversal and just a pullback. I know reading the tape and repetition is crucial to develop the skills necessary to recognize patterns that offer the highest r/r. This comes with more screen time. I’ll get there.

    Some questions that come to mind with this trade are:

    -on the gap down, what was the catalyst? News? Earnings?
    – where is your strong res mark when the gap fills? Is this a lt key infliction level or shot term (a few days, weeks).
    -was there a held offer or did the bid just start to slowly drop?
    -what was your target? At the pre-mrkt low or a different sup area on the chart?
    -what was the overall market doing? The sector? Did these indicators actually have an effect on COG?
    -if you were stopped out above 28.65, would you have changed your bias to the long side? Or was the move over-extended from the pre-mrkt low? What would be ur next targeted res if you did change your bias? Does this depend on what the overall market is doing?

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