The Knife Trader’s Confession: Unconventional Trading Habits Revealed

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I promise there is a trading lesson here…

Mayor de Blasio has been catching all sorts of heck for being photographed eating pizza with a fork and knife.

I must admit I eat my pizza with a fork and knife. In fact, I eat spelt crust pizza with vegan cheese topped with red peppers and onions. To me… delicious. I am aware that a majority of readers may now never revisit this site again :).

Why am I eating such a concoction in the homeland of the greatest pizza in the world? As a trader I have observed and recorded (and here is your trading lesson of the day) that white flower crust makes me tired and cheese bothers my sinuses. New traders on our desk are powered with the SMBU Performance Center to track connections between mood, food, and performance. The SMBU Performance Center tracks much more, but most might not guess the connection between what we eat, how it makes us feel, and then our performance.

I never overeat during the trading day. Never. I never drink too much caffeine. I only trade drunk a few times a year (kidding). Market hours are a time for me to perform and I must intake food and drink that will leave me in an optimal performance state.

If you want to perform at your best as a trader, track your food and how you perform. You will find patterns to repeat and eliminate.

You can be better tomorrow than you are today!

Mike Bellafiore

One Good Trade
The PlayBook

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