How To Be More Consistent in Your Trading

bruce.bowerBruce Bower, Trader Development, Trading Lesson, Trading Psychology6 Comments

How to Be More Consistent in Your Trading We all have things that we feel quite strongly about, for completely irrational reasons. Me? I can’t stand rollercoasters. While some people get a kick out of the adrenaline rush, I prefer steady and smooth riding. One thing’s for sure—I don’t want the huge swings and volatile ups and downs. With the … Read More

Why Blindly Following Your Options Trading Rules Eventually Leads to Failure

smbcapitalGeneral Comments, John Locke, M21 Trading System, Options Education, Seth Freudberg's Blogs, SMB Fundamentals, Trading Lesson, Trading TheoryLeave a Comment

Trading rules are designed to help us make money and eventually become a better trader. Unfortunately market conditions change. The static examples you find in trading education don’t  provide guidance to navigate new price action. This is where the rubber hits the road and where success or failure lives or dies. How do you adapt? What is your plan after the perfect … Read More

Options Trading for Income with John Locke for May 12, 2014

John LockeGuest Blog, John Locke, M21 Trading System, Options Education, SMB Options, Trading Ideas, Trading Lesson, Trading Psychology, Trading Theory1 Comment

No relevant positions Risk disclaimer ALL of the May expiration sample TRADES on the website have been closed at a HEALTHY PROFIT.  Be sure to watch this replay of Option Trading for Income Weekly Update for the RESULTS! John LockeBe sure to visit our trading blog: And check out this video:…

Excellence vs. Perfection

John LockeGuest Blog, John Locke, M21 Trading System, Options Education, SMB Options, Traders Ask, Trading Ideas, Trading Lesson, Trading Psychology, Trading TheoryLeave a Comment

I see too many people beating themselves up for not being perfect traders. That’s really sad because being a great trader and achieving the gains you desire isn’t about trading perfectly. In fact, expecting perfection often delays progress for years. When I talk to the most successful traders I know, they call their trading a culmination of errors that usually … Read More