Making the Adjustment

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trading Theory11 Comments

One of the things that I spoke to the desk about this past week was being prepared to make the necessary adjustments in their trading as market conditions change. Last week presented the greatest intraday volatility in US equity markets in about a decade. Our very young desk took incredible advantage of the opportunities that were presented to them. I … Read More

Day Trading Dream

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) BlogsLeave a Comment

Today is the kind of day that those who trade intraday dream about.  Most of our traders were at the office by 7:30 this morning preparing for what ended up being one of our best days this year.  As the United States financial system continues its downward spiral the level of intraday volatility is moving towards a crescendo.  How this … Read More

Lehman Support

sspencerIntraday Levels, Steven Spencer (Steve's) BlogsLeave a Comment

Just wanted to write a quick note that LEH has been showing support around 7.50 all day.  It spiked down there a few minutes ago and I got hit for 1,000 shares.  I have a stop order below 7.45.  If sellers come down aggressively below 7.40 I will change my bias to the short side again.  Above 8.15 I will … Read More

Morning Meeting

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trading TheoryLeave a Comment

One of the greatest advantages each trader on our desk has is being able to listen to the exchange of ideas from our AM Meeting.  At the beginning of each meeting Dov gives the Big Picture, which is an overview of world markets and both macro and micro events that may create intraday trading opportunities for our desk. After Dov … Read More

The Absurdity of MER

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trading Theory2 Comments

I really wanted to write this post after the market closed today.  But I have been literally working on other projects for our firm for the past seven hours (11:50pm EDT now).  So I’m going to share my thoughts on what I believe is a very good risk/reward trade in Merrill Lynch. MER issued a secondary about two weeks ago … Read More

AM Meeting Summary

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) BlogsLeave a Comment

CHK–Support 48/48.30 Resistance 49.60. FNM–Support 11.80 Resistance 12.60. XTO–Resistance 49.20 Support 48.  WDC–Support 30. WFR–Support 42 Resistance 44. QCOM–Support 51.70 Resistance 54. WM–Big Seller at 4.04 yesterday. Followup (11:15AM): When FNM failed to break above 12.60 we shorted and covered in front of the 11.80 support.  When the support dropped we traded it on the short side again for another … Read More