Expect The Unexpected

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) BlogsLeave a Comment

Today, from 12pm to 1:45pm the SPYs trended down very steadily from 87 to 83.5.  There was a readable seller for the entire downmove.  When the SPYs attempted a reversal it failed around 84.6.  This led to a downmove to the low of the day at 83.  I was able to make a nice chop in the steady downtrend.  But … Read More

Fear Establishes Bottoms

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs2 Comments

One thing that I realized a long time ago was that emotions/psychology are what determine prices of stocks in the short term.  The average stock on the NYSE fluctuates 50% in any given year.  Does anyone really believe that the fundamentals of each company gyrate to the extent necessary to justify that level of volatility? (maybe in this environment but … Read More