Managing Your Position

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs3 Comments

There are many facets to being a successful trader.  One element that tends to be neglected by aspiring traders is the concept of position management.  Position management is a combination of observation and action.  A trader must observe the price action in both the market and their stock to determine whether or not to take action on an open position … Read More

Ready For A Break

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) BlogsLeave a Comment

After yesterday’s hard sell off into the close I was expecting some follow through to the downside.  We did have some nice downside momentum this morning through the 108 level of the SPYs but by 11:00AM we were flat for the day and in consolidation mode.  The price action was much different than last time we had a major down … Read More

One Good Trade

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trading Theory4 Comments

We evaluate our trading at SMB on the process.  If you focus on the process instead of the result in any endeavor in life your chances at success are much greater.  Too often people focus on the results.  When you confuse a good outcome with good work you are bound to form bad habits that will harm you in the … Read More

“Help Me Help You”

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trading TheoryLeave a Comment

One of the amazing benefits of being part of a prop desk  is that we all make more money individually by sharing ideas. Important levels are shared via call outs on the desk, via our intraday alerts software, during video review sessions (VRS), and during our Stocks In Play call before the Open. It’s a constant battle to get those … Read More

Understanding Inflection Points

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trading Theory3 Comments

A core part of SMB’s trading philosophy is identifying inflection points in the stocks we trade each day. These are prices where battles take place between buyers and sellers. After a battle is over a stock will typically move very powerfully away from these prices. Sometimes stocks will touch these prices two, three, or even four times in a day. … Read More

Ya Gotta Be Flexible

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trading Theory8 Comments

As an intraday trader I need to make many adjustments during each trading session.  I have to determine if a stock is a short, a long, or a no trade.  I may also make adjustments in how I am entering and exiting my position.  If I don’t keep an open mind it is impossible to make the adjustments necessary to … Read More