Holiday Interruptus!

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs1 Comment

It looks like holiday interruptus for the traders at SMB.  The financial/real estate bubble that is better known as  Dubai has burst like a Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon.  As I write this quick note the Hang Seng is down about 550 points but 200 points off its low.  The S&P futures are off 23 and the NAS 100 futures … Read More

Competitive Advantage

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs3 Comments

If a business has a clear understanding of what they do well they can spend time and energy fully developing these things until each becomes a competitive advantage that will have a direct impact on their bottom line.  In the world of trading it is fairly simple to measure the impact of certain behaviors on our bottom line because we … Read More

Trading A Breakout: MON

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs3 Comments

The MON move that began at 2:30pm on November 10th 2009 was a classic breakout trade on heavy volume.  The catalyst for the move were the documents that MON released on its website giving financial projections for the next three years.  But put aside the fundamentals for now and focus on the tape and the technicals. 1) MON had failed … Read More


sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Technical Plays11 Comments

Occasionally, I give a shout out to one of the less experienced traders on the desk for sharing great trading information.  I am definitely not the type of person who offers faint praise.  In fact,  if you talk to those who are closest to me they probably would say that I am somewhat parsimonious with my compliments.  So when I … Read More