I’m Seeing A Pattern

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs3 Comments

As I view the list of stocks I traded today and their corresponding P/L I definitely see a pattern. GME, FDX, and NKE all green. APOL a big red. I have written many times about the value of trading stocks with fresh news. Stocks that we refer to as “In Play”. During earnings season there are a huge number of … Read More

The Open Today

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trading Psychology2 Comments

I wasn’t feeling that great on the Open today. How you feel both physically and mentally can have a huge impact on your trading results. If you are tired you will process information less quickly and in today’s highly volatile market this will put you at a severe disadvantage. If you are feeling worn out from being tossed around in … Read More

Stock Selection

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs4 Comments

I received an email yesterday from a reader who asked if I could discuss why we choose to avoid certain stocks. What I would first like to address is the idea of stock selection in general. At SMB we have a very specific methodology to select the best stocks for intraday trading. As most who have read our blog on … Read More