This Trade Has Been Eliminated

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs4 Comments

This morning I mentioned to our traders that AKAM was in unchartered territory. The next long term resistance level was around $40. I also said the gap up was fairly large so I offered that it might take a few days to get to the 40 level. Wrong!! AKAM delivers content over the internet. The explosion of mobile broadband is … Read More

How To Get Back In

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs4 Comments

A very talented experienced trader joined our desk about five months ago. Let’s call him Trader Dan. He decided SMB was a better fit for his personality than his original trading firm. His first trading job entailed shorting very strong stocks intraday and getting long very weak stocks intraday. Somehow he was able to earn a living with that strategy … Read More