Be Like Mike !

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trader DevelopmentLeave a Comment

For those of you who are avid fans of the NBA you have probably heard the stories of how Michael Jordan use to practice as a member of the Bulls.  He was totally cutthroat.  It was not uncommon for fisticuffs to breakout between him and some of the bigger players on the second unit during scrimmages.  He hated to lose … Read More

A Turning Point?

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) BlogsLeave a Comment

There is no doubt with earnings season over there will be very little in the way of news flow for the bulls to hang their hats on for quite some time. With seemingly negative news out of Europe every day and instability in the Middle East and the Korean Peninsula there are opportunities for sellers to hammer the market on … Read More

Patterns Collide!

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs13 Comments

We have been seeing two distinct patterns in the market recently. 1) On gap down opens we are rallying to positive territory. 2) When there is selling in the final hour the market is closing at its low. Today we were fortunate enough to get both the rally to positive AND the end of the day tankage in the market. … Read More