Don’t Give Away An Edge

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Traders Ask, Trading Psychology, Trading TheoryLeave a Comment

The market had a broad rally on Tuesday.  When we came into the office on Wednesday we cautioned our traders against chasing moves in stocks that could be a bit overextended when the market opened.  Our thought process was to look for safer long entries based on the prior day’s support levels.  I think you probably know how the rest … Read More

Be Careful When Your Routine Changes

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trader Development, Trading Psychology1 Comment

I have a fairly set schedule each trading day.  But on Thursday morning  my routine changes as I have a pre-work obligation that changes my schedule.  I generally arrive at the office one hour later than usual and do not run the AM Meeting.  This change in routine has had some fairly negative consequences on my trading PnL.  90% of … Read More