What A Difference A Day Can Make

sspencerFundamental Plays, General Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trading PsychologyLeave a Comment

After a pretty hard down move in the SPY’s yesterday we gapped up today and never looked back.  Today’s action reminded me a bit of September 24th when we gapped above 113.60 SPY and never looked back either.  On September 23rd there had been some vicious selling but we held the 112 support area.  Yesterday we held 113.20.  As Brian … Read More

Critical Feedback: ACN

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trader Development4 Comments

I would like to spend some time reviewing how ACN traded on Friday October 1st.  The big picture in this stock was they had reported their earnings and raised guidance going forward.  The initial reaction to the news was that it popped in the after hours on Thursday.  The next morning it was trading above the previous day’s after hour … Read More

Quick Market Take

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs2 Comments

The past week or so I have begun to feel a bit uneasy about the market action.  It hasn’t been as crazy as the action that we saw in late January that led to pretty vicious two week  sell off but it has definitely caught my attention.  The failed breakout of the 115 SPY level has me on full alert … Read More

I Love That!

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trader Development2 Comments

During the AM Meeting I spent a few minutes discussing the importance of focusing on the “right stocks”.  The right stocks are one’s that have the attention of a sufficient number of market participants to cause them to have powerful and clearly defined moves on many different time frames.  Too often traders attempt to execute trades in every stock that … Read More

One Of My Favorite Plays

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trading Ideas2 Comments

When I was younger I played a lot of pickup basketball.  Many times I was matched up against players who were either bigger, stronger or quicker than me.  Well maybe not stronger 🙂  I found playing “up” to my competition was much more enjoyable than playing “down”.  Playing better competition tends to heighten your focus and forces you to improve … Read More