A Sea Of Blue

sspencerGeneral Comments, SMB Radar Update, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs1 Comment

For the most part as expected the market has been quiet this holiday week.  This is clearly demonstrated by this screenshot of theSMB Radar.  We use color coding throughout each list to quickly assess how In Play any given name is.  Red indicates “hot” and blue indicates “cold”.  I know–we are so clever.  Overall, when you see 90% of the … Read More

Traders Ask: What Was Your Thought Process In LVS?

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trade of the Week, Trader Development, Traders Ask10 Comments

Hi Steve, I am interested in learning your thought process behind trading LVS on 12/02.  Do you mind writing a post on it? Thanks, AZ Here you go: Before I break down the various trades that I thought offered good risk/reward on December 2nd for LVS I would like to discuss December 1st.  LVS gapped higher on 12/1 with the … Read More