I’d Rather Make Money Than Be Right

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Technical Plays12 Comments

Those who follow SMB closely know that our AM Meeting divides trading ideas into three sections.  Fresh, Second Day Plays, and Technical Plays.  On Friday during we discussed YUM that recently had been trending higher and was especially strong on Thursday.  With this particular scenario we highlight “prices of interest” where we would look to play YUM on the long … Read More

Using Your Strengths To Improve Your Trading Results

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trader Development3 Comments

I had an interesting conversation after the close today with a newb trader who is attempting to become consistently profitable.  I asked this very intelligent and competitive young woman what were her strongest qualities as a trader. The first thing out of her mouth was she was not afraid to let her winners run.  She then added that she felt … Read More

SMB Gameplan Recap for May 11th

sspencerGeneral Comments, SMB Video Blogs, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trader Development2 Comments

Here is another recap video that takes you through my thought process with respect to our AM Ideas as well as how the price action during market hours impacted our trading plan. Fresh ideas are usually listed in order of difficulty.  Ideas listed first are for novice traders and as you work your way down the list the stocks become more … Read More