SMB Fundamental #7: Replaying Your Important Trades

sspencerGeneral Comments, SMB Fundamentals, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs3 Comments

Back in early 2006 we established what have become known as the SMB Fundamentals. They are a list of 7 trading principles that SMB believes should be followed for every single trade. Fundamental #7–Replaying your important trades–trades that offered a ton of opportunity—help you mentally prepare and execute at a higher level when faced with a similar trading scenario in … Read More

Shifting My Bias

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs3 Comments

I shorted BIG in the late morning today. It gapped down on its earnings release and then proceeded to consolidate below 36.70, which in my view is an important long term support area. My initial short was when a buyer dropped at 36.20. It quickly dropped about 30 cents and then traded right back up to the 36.20s. I shorted … Read More

Trading Lesson #1: Buying A Strong Stock At Prior Day’s Afternoon Support

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Technical Plays, Trading Lesson1 Comment

New blog format: Short trading lessons with charts for illustration. Trading Lesson #1: Second Day Play–Buying A Strong Stock After It Pulls Back To Prior Afternoon’s Support Area INHX was on our radar yesterday after another fresh news drug catalyst. As you can see from the two charts below INHX is trending higher on multiple time frames. Here is the … Read More

Fear–Not So Much

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) BlogsLeave a Comment

(This post was written on November 2nd) I spent a good amount of time during Tuesday’s AM Meeting discussing how when fear comes back into the market you need to adjust your trading style very quickly. I was particularly demonstrative on this point as my experience has shown me over the years that traders, especially less experienced traders, are very … Read More