A Tape Trade

sspencerReading the Tape, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs1 Comment

One of the questions I receive most often is regarding trades based strictly on the tape. These occur far less frequently than in years past because of the masking of buyers/sellers by the HFTs but they still do occur from time to time. This morning I was trading AMLN on the Open as it was In Play due to an … Read More

SMB Radar Play ACOM

sspencerSMB Radar Update, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs3 Comments

we received the following email from a Radar subscriber today (post originally written january 9th): Subject: SMB Radar play in ACOM today Question: Dear Bella, I am trying to develop certain plays based on the SMB Radar that I call SMB Radar Strong and SMB Radar Weak. My thoughts are that I’ll check the names on the strong and weak … Read More

SMB Fundamental #1: Proper Preparation

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trader DevelopmentLeave a Comment

Last month I wrote a post about SMB Fundamental #7–Reviewing Your Important Trades. Today I would like to discuss #1–Proper Preparation. All trading success begins with proper preparation and that is why it is #1 on our list of trading principles that must be followed for each trade. Part of my morning pre-market preparation is to review the price action … Read More

Goldman Sachs Showing Influence Again?

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trader Development2 Comments

Identifying short term trading patterns is the lifeblood of professional traders. By patterns I don’t simply mean a simple pattern one might draw on a chart. I am referring more broadly to catalysts that will in turn lead to price action that I can use my trading skills to take advantage. Yesterday Goldman Sachs (GS) downgraded SNDK. This downgrade occurred … Read More