Nasty Is As Nasty Does

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trading Lesson1 Comment

On February 7th we discussed CSTR in the AM Meeting. It was gapping higher on a better than expected earnings announcement. But the price action in the pre-market was erratic. There were no clear pre-market trends and when it moved above/below s/r levels it would quickly reverse. This is a stock that I will not touch on the Open. Stocks … Read More

The Value Added Tweet

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) BlogsLeave a Comment

I have been on Twitter for for almost three years and have tweeted about 2,000 times. I have found Twitter to be an extension of my personality for the most part. I tend not to offer ideas unless they are well thought out and therefore feel comfortable sharing them with others. I am amazed at the almost stream of consciousness … Read More

The Blowup

sspencerSteven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trader Development3 Comments

As someone who has been in the trading industry for over 15 years I am familiar with many traders and firms that have “blown up” over the years. The most recent public example of this was MF Global. Billions wagered on Sovereign European debt brought MF to bankruptcy. Probably the most famous blowup of all time was LTCM, which was … Read More