Imprint These Images On Your Brain

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trader Development, Trading Lesson2 Comments

I tweeted the following this afternoon: there is “easy money” and “hard money” in trading. your longevity is determined by which one you choose to pursue…$$ I had quite a few responses. Some traders pointed out trading is not easy. And of course I agree with this. Trading successfully requires thousands of hours of practice and skill development. But once … Read More

Facebook Friday And Rocket Science

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) Blogs, Trading LessonLeave a Comment

Despite the fact that the fast majority of those hired by hedge funds and banks these days are literally rocket scientists (PHD’s in Physics, AstroPhysics, Mathematics etc.) trading is NOT rocket science. Of course being good at math and being able to write algorithms doesn’t prevent someone from successful market speculation it just isn’t a prerequisite. On Friday I outlined … Read More