SMBU’s Options Tribe Webinar: Ed Tulauskas of Random Walk Trading: The Bionic Butterfly

smbcapitalOptions Education, Seth Freudberg's Blogs, SMB Options

This week, Ed Tulauskas of Random Walk Trading discusses the Bionic Butterfly, a biased butterfly strategy that takes advantage of directional moves. Ed will look at the basic trade framework, explain the best times to utilize this approach, discuss the factors influencing the trade and cite some examples of the use of the strategy.

SMBU’s Options Tribe Webinar: Paul Forchione of Optionvue Systems, International: “Butterflies and Calendarized Butterflies”

smbcapitalOptions Education, Seth Freudberg's Blogs, SMB Options

This week, options educator and strategist Paul Forchione returns to the Options Tribe to show how he uses OptionVue software to structure and analyze these positive theta spread positions in various futures markets. He will show how these positions behave in relation to market movement and changes in implied volatility by generating performance curves and discussing the Greeks.

SMBU’s Options Tribe Webinar: Ron Bertino: The Space Trip Trade

smbcapitalOptions Education, Seth Freudberg's Blogs, SMB Options

This week , Ron Bertino makes his debut presentation of his signature Space Trip Trade which Ron designed as a downside hedge to a trader’s at-the-money market neutral options strategies. Ron will show you how this strategy takes advantage of portfolio margin or SPAN margin, while maintaining a comparatively conservative T+0 line. Ron will demonstrate how the trade later morphs into a downside hedge with very little downside risk at that point in the trade

SMBU’s Options Tribe Webinar: Kerry Given of Parkwood Capital: The Ubiquitous Diagonal Spread

smbcapitalOptions Education, Seth Freudberg's Blogs, SMB Options

This week Kerry Given returns to the Options Tribe the use of the diagonal spread. The diagonal spread is a basic options strategy, but it is versatile and may be used in several different market situations. In this webinar, Kerry Given, a/kl/a Dr. Duke, will discuss the basic aspects of the spread, the pros and cons of strike selection, and ongoing management of the trade. Several examples of diagonal spreads will be reviewed to illustrate the principles of this trade.

SMBU’s Options Tribe Webinar: SMB Capital Options Desk Trader Andrew Falde: Three Options Profiles for Almost Anything That Can Happen in 2017

smbcapitalOptions Education, Seth Freudberg's Blogs, SMB Options

This week, SMB Capital Options Desk Trader Andrew Falde, P and L Winner of the SMB Options Trading Competition, will be sharing three options profiles for three market scenarios… and how each provides positive edge even if a trader’s directional bias is wrong. There will be something for every level of options trader in this upcoming webinar.