Today, noted author and professional derivatives trader, John Netto, will be addressing the Options Tribe on how to use the three-dimensionality of options to maximize return per unit of risk in various macro environments
SMBU’s Options Tribe Webinar: John Locke: The Rock Trade: Some Recent Examples
Today, John Locke returns to the Options Tribe to review some recent examples of the Rock trade and how it fared in the current market.
Mastering Option Trading: Volatility Edge Analysis with Steve Lentz
Today, Steve Lentz of Optionvue Systems, International returns to the Options Tribe to explain his new Volatility Edge Analysis methodology and how Bollinger Bands may help in determining when to sell or buy option premium. If you’ve ever wondered if technical analysis can help time your butterfly and condor positions, this is a good place to start.
SMBU’s Options Tribe Webinar: Anne-Marie Baiynd of Why Theta Matters Most-My Perspective as a Market Technician
Today, Andrew Falde returns to the Options Tribe to discuss his approach to trading iron condors in a less stressful way. It should be an interesting presentation given the popularity of the iron condor strategy with positive theta options traders
SMBU’s Options Tribe Webinar: Andrew Falde: How to Trade Iron Condors.. AND Sleep at Night
Today, Andrew Falde returns to the Options Tribe to discuss his approach to trading iron condors in a less stressful way. It should be an interesting presentation given the popularity of the iron condor strategy with positive theta options traders
SMBU’s Options Tribe Webinar: Seth Freudberg To Host a Panel of Options Tribe Trading Contest Leaders
Today, Options Tribe contest leaders will be reviewing their winning trades for January and taking questions from webinar participants. These are excellent traders and this is sure to be an important learning experience for all concerned.
SMBU’s Options Tribe Webinar: Mike Bellafiore: Eight trading lessons from a prop desk
Today, Mike Bellafiore, noted author and founding partner of SMB Capital, returns to the Options Tribe to discuss the wisdom that he has accumulated from his many years running a proprietary trading desk. It should be fascinating as always
SMBU’s Options Tribe Webinar: Tony Sizemore: Tips and Tricks of Pro Options Traders
This week, Tony Sizemore returns to the Options Tribe to share some wisdom from his many years of positive theta options trading.