Sunday Thoughts

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs3 Comments

At the office doing a few things with Steve, GMan, and Charlie. We are gonna watch some film at 3:15 with a few traders. We are putting together some new materials for Advanced Training and reworking one our websites. I am done with most of my part of that work. So now I starting to think about next week. And … Read More


BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs3 Comments

As you may have been able to tell by now we don’t spend time on this blog pretending that we do not make mistakes.  We do.  But is your attitude that of Phil Mickelson who views every mistake as a learning experience?  Or will you blame your failures on anyone or anything else other than you?  I got out of … Read More

Midday Trading

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs3 Comments

I had a nice morning trading RIMM on the Open.  Tough stock, but as I like to make sure everyone on our desk knows…. I am fast and agile.  So RIMM is not too tough of a challenge for me.  After the Open, I got up from my desk and took care of some firm business.  And then I sat … Read More

Playing for UConn

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) BlogsLeave a Comment

One of the hardest things when you begin trading is focusing on what is important. At most firms there are leader boards in full view. On your screens it’s impossible to miss your P&L. But it takes about three years to become a great trader. And you can’t make a ton of money until you have developed significant trading skills and learned … Read More

Flat Before the Number?

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs4 Comments

After the Close our desk had a spirited debate about whether a trader should have a position before an announcement (in this case the oil and gas number). On Tuesdays we meet after the Close to watch video of One Good Trade produced by a few of our experienced traders. One of our most improved traders, let’s call him MIT, … Read More