Good Stock Bad Stock

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs2 Comments

GENZ was a good trading stock today. NFLX was an awful trading stock. We are only as good as the stocks that we trade. Today I chopped up GENZ and barely scratched out a few bucks in NFLX. The same trader on the same day, I had very different results trading both. Let’s discuss. First, NFLX made me irritable. I … Read More

MOS Definitely

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) BlogsLeave a Comment

MOS Def is a very good actor. MOS is not the easiest stock to trade. But into the close Friday MOS was very strong. MOS traded from 38-43.40ish intraday on Friday. The market opened decidely negative and MOS was down almost 3 points. I decided to trade it today. I am glad that I did. Let’s discuss. This is a … Read More

From the Mailbag – Part 2

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs10 Comments

Yesterday Sam asked the following question ….Sam Says: February 25th, 2009 at 7:20pm: What characteristics make a good intraday trading stock?A good intraday trading stock offers you excellent risk/reward opportunities. It is a stock that you can read is about to trade higher or lower. A good intraday stock gives you good prints. A good intraday stock is one that … Read More

Buy to WYNN

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs3 Comments

I traded WYNN today.  It was a very good intraday trading stock.  I have noticed lately that stocks are being bought differently in this new market.  Let’s discuss the trading in WYNN today to explain. The market has sold off from 13,000 to today’s close of 7270.  WYNN has sold off from 110 to today’s close of 21.75.   Lately … Read More

How Do You Do It?

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs2 Comments

Whenever someone makes a good trade on our desk a common retort from another trader is “How do you do it?” I received two of these today from ALJ, who sits next to me. DE was the culprit. I was the protagonist. Profitable trades were my reward. DE was in play today. They reported. DE opened down. It’s first moves … Read More

Easy Street- CAT

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs7 Comments

UConn lost to Pitt last night. ARod was to hold another press conference. For a UConn and Yankees fan there were a lot of distractions today. BTW what is Boli? Also we had President Obama signing the stimulus bill. We had the market open down 3%. GS finished down 11.25. You know just another day at the office. 89.80 was … Read More