Seconday Price Pattern: AMP, JLL

smbcapitalMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs2 Comments

We spotted a trading pattern in AMP and JLL this week.  Both traded below important support, their secondary price offering, and had a decent downmove below.  Let’s discuss how to trade a Secondary Price, and the pattern we discovered. Trading a secondary is a simple trade.  Above the secondary price we are long.  Below the secondary price we flip our … Read More

Trade on the Open: MCD

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs3 Comments

We teach our desk not to fade weak stocks.  But there are plays on the Open that look like the stock is weak.  Actually they are not.  And these plays are given the green light to fade.  We had such a setup in MCD on the Open.  Let’s discuss. MCD opened near 58.33, could not hold and traded lower.  MCD … Read More

TIVO- Remember Me?

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) BlogsLeave a Comment

One of the great things about being a trader is you get to trade whatever you want whenever you want.   I haven’t touched TIVO in years.  Honestly I cannot remember the last time I traded it. Why would I want to?  What is it’s intraday daily range?  Ten cents?  But I did today.  And it offered a few great … Read More

Don’t Overthink the Market

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs13 Comments

Saw a lot of tweets about whether the market could trade higher this afternoon.  Chirp!   There were the call outs that volume was light.  Chirp!  Some pointed at the financials not rallying. Chirp! Others highlighted the weakness in V, MA, JPM, etc.   I have to share a funny story.  One of the smartest guys we have traded with … Read More


BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs4 Comments

Trading is not just about reading charts, or reading the tape.  We also must understand the market’s and a stock’s  fundamentals.  We are not fundamental traders but we use fundamentals to help us increase our win rate.  For the intraday trader we use fundamentals very specifically.  Let’s discuss. We used fundamentals to help us profit in JCG yesterday.  Yesterday JCG … Read More