Is It Your Practice?

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs2 Comments

Today while eating my AM protein bar (preparing for my wedding in two weeks 🙂 ) I saw a quote from a coach who really gets it.  I feel for him.  His analysis is so courageous as it will not pacify his school’s fans (fanatics?).  It is not what they want to hear.  Most would prefer some banging and screaming … Read More

Make It Happen! (An Update)

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs6 Comments

Cortez, a non-traditional college student, was not a fan of the misinformation being spread about trading on his campus.  He was as disappointed with the sparse selection of trading lectures at his school.  You might say he was downright pissed.  So he made it happen.  He reached out to a prop firm (SMB), convinced one of their partner’s to visit … Read More