Exploring Trading Education: Why Aren’t Universities Teaching Trading?

BellaGeneral Comments, Mike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs28 Comments

I just returned from Penn State for a talk with some future traders (perhaps). Some serious college traders inside of an investment club reached out for my visit. My charge? Discuss what it’s really like to be a profes-sional trader so that some might better understand what we do. In a recent New York Times article the rise of trading labs … Read More

If 1 Why Not 2?

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs4 Comments

One of our traders, The Original Jersey Shore, was long big at support in CEPH at 58.50 (Trade 1).  He got stopped out.  After the close he stopped into my office to discuss.  He did not get long above the top of the range after consolidation above 58.57 (Trade 2).  If you are in 1 why not 2? Shark was … Read More

A Path to 1k

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs3 Comments

Yesterday we challenged some new traders to review their day and create a path to 1k.  Making more is about finding the set ups that make sense to you and trading them with more size and more often.  This exercise guides the new trader to singularly focus on these trades and the mindset of doing better. One new trader sent … Read More