You Ask I Answer

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs, Traders Ask4 Comments

Hi Bella: Hey young fella. Thanks very much for putting some much valuable material on your blog and website. Thxs for following us. Although I didn’t receive the opportunity of a summer internship with SMB, your website certainly provides quite a learning experience for me. Freakin SMB HR! I especially appreciate your classroom style of challenging your trainees to prepare for more … Read More

All that JAZZ

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs1 Comment

I trainee stopped into my office today. “Bella I think I am looking at the charts too much. Any suggestions?”. On this blog, our seminars and public presentations we are one of the few firms that talk about Reading the Tape. Recently Stevie Cohen was quoted as saying the tape is not very useful these days. So true but intraday … Read More

Trader Rant

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs7 Comments

Yesterday I wrote a blog on how to use the ideas from others to add to your trading game. At SMB we share a lot of what we do so others can learn. Yesterday a Reader took exception to something that we have shared, our best AM idea. I had something that worked for me, but I have lost my conviction … Read More

A Point of Clarification

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs12 Comments

We teach our traders/trainees/community to start thinking about the markets as we do. We make decisions based on three factors: Reading the Tape, Intraday Fundamentals, and Technical Analysis. We ask our desk to find the Stocks in Play. We ask our desk to trade intraday. It is our belief that this is the best way for a new and developing trader … Read More