Give Yourself Time

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs3 Comments

Got back from a run. Yeah, this Georgia Tech campus is very nice. Had a mocha frappachino from Starbucks (I do not even know what that is and I unordered the size three times) to help with my 4am wake up call. Walked the room for my presentation. I like to get a feel for the room and see myself … Read More

What are your trades in MON? (The answers)

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs2 Comments

Non-experienced traders should not be trading MON during a conference call.  Experienced traders not listening to the conference call should not be trading during the conference call.  Experienced traders who do not know a great deal about MON should not be trading this during the conference call.  So this was a bit of a trick question (couldn’t fool @thearmotrader). But … Read More

What are your trades in MON?

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs6 Comments

What are the intraday trading opportunities from MON on the Open?  First we have to indentify the patterns that are worth our attention.  And then we can hammer down on how best to execute.  From the chart below what trades makes sense to you.  Be back later with some thoughts of my own.  Hint: during our AM meeting we identified … Read More

KISS – GD Trade

BellaGuest Blog, Mike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs2 Comments

My KISS job description of day trading: “Figure out what they are buying or selling and then find an entry”.  I come to the screen everyday with that thought firmly implanted and visualized.  Find something they are buying and get long; find something being sold and get short.. simple. I mean even Forrest Gump could understand that.  I don’t allow … Read More