Should This Trader Make a Comeback?

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs1 Comment

Below is an interesting trading anecdote I received via LinkedIn.  I asked the writer if I could share his trading experience with our community.  He agreed.  The names and places have been changed for compliance reasons and we have no interest in saying anything negative about anyone or any firm on this blog. What I find interesting about his note … Read More

A Trade to Master- $RIG

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs1 Comment

One of our new trainees from Thailand traded RIG yesterday and sent me a PlayBook on this trade.  This was his Trade Management slide for the trade.  There are some lessons here. 1) Great job being in the best stock yesterday for intraday traders, RIG.  You are only as good as the stocks you trade.  This was a stock with … Read More

I ripped it up. what now?

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) BlogsLeave a Comment

Hi Mike, It was a pleasure listening in on your webinar yesterday. Your book has been a great motivation, coming from the US Army I appreciate the clean-cut “straight to the point” approach; I’m looking forward to The PlayBook (March, I believe?). At 28 years old, I’ve been at the markets for only 2 years now; its a big obsession … Read More

Trend Trend Trade: An Example (RIG)

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) BlogsLeave a Comment

Mike, Greatly enjoyed your initial Playbook Series Webinar. I have a few questions: 1)      What do you mean by a “trend-trend” trade? 2)      You mentioned that you focus on trading “in play” stocks. Do you mean stocks with a known catalyst (e.g. earnings, guidance, takeovers, etc.) or are you referring to stocks appearing on the SMB Radar? 3)      On a … Read More

Do not say Practice

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs5 Comments

I end most emails with: “Keep working on your trading game.”  We teach our traders to do the daily work each day that helps them improve.  They are training to become consistently profitable traders (CPTs).  Their ultimate goal is to become a your best trader (YBT). Apparently I could use better words to motivate my traders. Dan Coyle, author of … Read More