Market In Trouble–July 2nd

sspencerGeneral Comments, Steven Spencer (Steve's) BlogsLeave a Comment

After yesterday’s strong bounce the market failed to have a second consecutive up day.   There was steady selling in multiple sectors all afternoon.  Tech and Energy in particular got hit hard into the close.  Energy stocks were selling off despite oil  setting new time highs.  If the tech selloff continues tomorrow we will breach the 2008 lows and may start … Read More

CHK- An important intraday level (71.35)

BellaGeneral Comments2 Comments

CHK was a great trading stock today.  Proudly I can announce that are young traders killed CHK today.  And CHK was particularly profitable trading the stock off of an important intraday level today at 71.35.  CHK was up a ton and then started to show weakness.  After the oil number was announced CHK failed at the 72 level, traded lower … Read More

Second Day (MYGN)

BellaGeneral CommentsLeave a Comment

One of the plays that we teach our traders is called a Second Day Play.  Today we had such a play with MYGN.  MYGN had some bad news on one of their drugs that they were testing and the stock traded considerably lower yesterday.  But into the close MYGN showed strength.  It finished strong.  However MYGN had trouble trading above 45.75: So … Read More

Run Fast Jump High (NKE)

BellaGeneral CommentsLeave a Comment

Trading NKE this am.  Below 62 will trade with a short bias if see selling.  Down a ton on very light volume- bounce?  The NKE specialist has a tendency to treat some orders unfairly.  But when NKE is in play it is a very good trading stock.  I have attached the chart of NKE below for some help.  Good luck! … Read More

BA for today

BellaGeneral CommentsLeave a Comment

Should be a light day of trading before the Fed announcment at 2:15 today.  Will be looking at BA today because of the news below: Boeing: Oil surge may cost jet makers orders – WSJ (74.79 ) : WSJ reports as rising oil prices cause even the strongest airlines to struggle, Airbus and Boeing face the possibility that as many as … Read More