Careful aggressive traders

BellaGeneral CommentsLeave a Comment

I love aggressive traders.  Firms love aggressive traders.

There is trader lore and real-history of firms testing for that fabulously aggressive trader trait (if it exists).

Then there is these times.  Markets when the aggressive trader takes his beating from Mother Market for being overly aggressive.

The holidays are coming.  It’s not earnings season.  Traders are sitting around, re-clicking ESPN for the latest trade at the baseball winter meetings, until the next Fed meeting.

Overly aggressive long in KMI….rip.

Overly aggressive short in KMI….rip.

Overly aggressive in XLE long….rip.

Overly aggressive short in SPY….rip.

Leaning the wrong way in $LULU….rip.

What I see from my seat at a prop trading firm is presently this is not the time to be aggressive.  Aggressive traders are turning flat days into negative 20k days of dispirit.

Careful aggressive traders.  Your time will come.  And it’s not now.  What you do not lose in this current market regime you will keep in your market.

*no relevant positions


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