Bonus Options Tribe Meeting

Andrew FaldeGeneral CommentsLeave a Comment

Members of the SMB Options Tribe ( are invited to a special market hours meeting tomorrow (Friday, 7/11) at 11:00 AM – New York time. This will be the first of many bonus meetings that will be geared toward the development, testing, and implementation of options trading strategies.

A key theme at SMB is that traders should become more bionic in today’s market. Technology allows us to test and prove ideas faster than ever. A community approach to strategy development allows the members to gather and process more information than the individuals would on their own.

Tomorrow we will begin by taking a look at the TEA indicator and discuss the process of back testing different strategies to proactively defend the trend direction before market neutral positions get into big trouble.

Register to join the webinar tomorrow, July 11, 2014 at 11:00 AM Eastern.



-Andrew Falde

No relevant positions. Options risk disclosure.

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