For those of you who are avid fans of the NBA you have probably heard the stories of how Michael Jordan use to practice as a member of the Bulls. He was totally cutthroat. It was not uncommon for fisticuffs to breakout between him and some of the bigger players on the second unit during scrimmages. He hated to lose that much!
One of our newer trainees has a Jordan like work ethic. Of the dozens of trainees we have worked with during the past few years he is by far the most fully engaged in learning the craft of trading. He wakes up 5:00AM each morning to make sure he can be at the office no later than 7:30. He never misses a weekend video review session. His daily trading journal contains copious notes, and he has a level of trading discipline I have rarely seen from a novice trader. During his demo trading he traded as if he were trading live, never violating the basic trading principles he was taught.
I have no idea if he will become the next great trader. But I do know that his chances for trading success are markedly higher than those I have seen screwing around trading 5,000 GOOG on the simulator, rolling into the office at 8:40, and entering notes into their trading journals as often as BP runs safety checks on their oil rigs.
Coincidentally his name is also Mike. My recommendation to all those young guns out their who want to trade professionally for a living is to be like Mike!