An idea to help improve your trading

BellaMike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs1 Comment

Today we had an SMB Tradecast reviewing a play for the SMB PlayBook.  A trainee records their best trade of the day in our SMB PlayBook template form and then sends me and the desk the trade.  I choose the plays that I want to review for future SMB Tradecasts.  An idea was shared that you might was to co-opt.

A trainee placed note next to his Level II and on his trading platform about the stock he was trading.  I am paraphrasing here but examples were something like:

LVS is very weak

Momentum is not working

What a wonderful idea!

Doing so will make you less likely to take a position against your self interest.  Doing so helps you internalize the trade.  Doing so helps you remain in a calmer state while trading as you are recording more what you are observing from the market.  Doing so helps you make better trading decisions.

I was very impressed with this idea.  Perhaps you can use this to help improve your trading.


One Good Trade

One Comment on “An idea to help improve your trading”

  1. i do this all the time with stickies on my monitor….i have guidelines i always follow and i read them off before i place a trade, to make sure the trade meets all my rules…as it is hard to keep a mental track of all your rules as youre watching a very volatile market.

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