Screen time helps a trader build intuition and experience. That voice in your head that knows when to buy or sell without sometimes being able to verbalize why is intuition. But screen time alone is not sufficient. You need the right kind of screen time.
Today after the close we held an SMB Tradecast. This is where a trader presents a PlayBook trade to the desk. The Newb labeled the play as a technical set up. There was just one problem. It wasn’t just a technical set up. It was a Second Day Play with a technical set up. The Newb had not done his homework before making the trade to make this distinction. These are completely different trades.
So that Newb sat there and traded this set up in real-time thinking it was just a technical trade. The Newb sat there and did a PlayBook Trade after the close on this set up for a technical trade. This would have been nice screen time gained and a terrific review. Unfortunately because the Newb didn’t do his due diligence before the trade he was left with irrelevant screen time. Everything in his archiving of the trade was irrelevant since it was about a trade that didn’t exist.
Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. Screen time does not build intuition. Perfect screen time does.